Orcs Must Die! Wiki
Orcs Must Die! Wiki

This page is intended to provide details for Orcs Must Die! 2 Onslaught Mods. An Onslaught is a set of instructions that details what enemies are on a level, the amount of time between waves and breaks, when you get Go Breaks, and how much additional gold is granted with each break.

Basic File Structure[]

There are two basic types of files that can make up an Onslaught:

  1. Timing files end in .timing.  These files contain XML instructions for the amount of time between breaks, when you get Go Breaks, and how much additional gold is granted with each break.
  2. Onslaught files end in .onslaught.  These files contain the XML instructions for which enemies are released in each wave and each group.  there is one onslaught file for each release point.  This can include doors for ground enemies as well as aerial release points for flyers.

Timing Files[]

Timing files end in .timing.  These files contain XML instructions for the amount of time between breaks, when you get Go Breaks, and how much additional gold is granted with each break.

Tag Attributes Children
<Timing> ParTimeSeconds <Break>
<Break> NightmareBreakTime

Sample Timing File[]

The Edge timing file:

<!-- Line 1--><Timing ParTimeSeconds="300">
<!-- Line 2-->   <Break NightmareBreakTime="-1">-1</Break>
<!-- Line 3-->   <Break BonusGold="1500">10</Break>
<!-- Line 4-->   <Break BonusGold="1500">10</Break>
<!-- Line 5-->  <Break BonusGold="1800" WavePoints="1">-1</Break>
<!-- Line 6--></Timing>

All Timing files begin with the <Timing> tag as in Line 1 of The Edge Timing file:

<!-- Line 1--><Timing ParTimeSeconds="300">

Always included as an attribute of the <Timing> is ParTimeSeconds="ParTimeHere" where ParTimeHere is the par time of the level in seconds.  For The Edge, the par time is 300 seconds, or 5 minutes.

In Line 2, the next tag is <Break>

<!-- Line 2-->   <Break NightmareBreakTime="-1">-1</Break>

The <Break> tag indicates a wave of enemies. It has the attribute NightmareBreakTime and a value in seconds. A value of -1 indicates a Go Break. The tag <Break> has no child nodes.

There are a total of four <Break> tags, so The Edge will have four waves of enemies. This should be the same as the number of <Wave>s in the Onslaught Files .

In Lines 3-4, the BonusGold attribute is introduced:

<!-- Line 3-->   <Break BonusGold="1500">10</Break>
<!-- Line 4-->   <Break BonusGold="1500">10</Break>

The value of BonusGold is the amount of gold the player will receive before that wave of enemies. Note there is no BonusGold attribute in the first <Break> tag because the starting gold amount is predetermined in other game files. You could add this attribute with a value to increase the amount of starting gold.

In Line 5, the WavePoints attribute is introduced:

<!-- Line 5-->  <Break BonusGold="1800" WavePoints="1">-1</Break>

Timing files always end by closing the </Timing> tag as in Line 6:

<!-- Line 6--></Timing>

Note: Line Numbers added for reference.

Onslaught Files[]

Onslaught files end in .onslaught.  These files contain the XML instructions for which enemies are released in each wave and each group.  there is one onslaught file for each release point.  This can include doors for ground enemies as well as aerial release points for flyers.
